ChilloutVR Built-In Animation Parameters

From VR Wiki

The following is a list of animator parameters that CVR provides.

Warning: CVR has just moved to Unity 2021, so your stuff may be broken. -- 11:24, 26 July 2023 (UTC)(Edit)
Note: Accurate for CCK 3.7 -- N3X15 (talk) 16:19, 8 December 2023 (UTC)
ChilloutVR Built-In Animator Parameters
Name Type Scale Notes
MovementX float [0,1) Movement on the X axis. +Right -Left
MovementY float [0,1) Movement on the Y axis. +Forwards -Back
Grounded boolean Whether the character is on the ground.
Emote float (?!) [0,8] Which emote to play. Values are real integers, despite being a float.
CancelEmote trigger When to cancel running emotes.
GestureLeft float (?!) [-1,6] Which gesture is selected on the left hand. Values are real integers.
GestureRight float (?!) [-1,6] Which gesture is selected on the right hand. Values are real integers.
Toggle float [0,7] Which action state is enabled.
Sitting boolean Whether the player is sitting.
Crouching boolean Whether the player is crouching.
Flying boolean Whether the player is flying.
Prone boolean Whether the player is lying prone.

Parameter Streams

CVR also allows you to pull in data that you want and assigning it via the CVRParameterStream component. This component is available on worlds, props, and avatars.

Name Type Range Notes
TimeSeconds float Seconds since local client midnight. Milliseconds included after the decimal.
TimeSecondsUtc float Same as above, except UTC as timezone.
DateTimeSecondsUtc float Seconds since Unix Epoch, plus milliseconds as decimals
DeviceMode float [0.0,1.0] 1.0 if game is in VR mode
HeadsetOnHead float [0.0,1.0] 1.0 if headset is being worn (proximity sensor enabled)

[I'll add more shit after I get sleep]