Avatar 3.0/Visemes
Warning: This page is a work in progress. Expect frequent changes. Still figuring a lot of this stuff out - N3X15 (talk) 18:17, 7 August 2020 (CDT)
Note: YMMV, written on Aug 7, 2020 when avatar 3 first was released.
Here's how to set up visemes, which is a fancy term for making your mouthhole move when you speak over voice chat.
This assumes you've completed the initial avatar setup procedure.
- Select Viseme Blend Shapes from the dropdown.
- Drag the mesh containing your face from the scene to the Face Mesh box. If your entire body is contained into one mesh, drag that mesh over.
- Visemes will then be automatically populated.
Jaw Flap
- Select Jaw Flap Bone from the dropdown.
- Select Detect.
Jaw Flap Blendshapes
TODO: Words
Viseme Parameter Only
TODO: Words